Saturday, August 13, 2011

JoDa Hodge's Bio

JoDa Hodge's Bio:

JoDa Hodge was born on a Vermont hippie commune in a record snow storm and spent the first part of his life living in his parents’ teepee with no running water or electricity. Growing up in a sylvan hilltop town, JoDa learned the art of guns, dirt bikes, carpentry, community, creativity, cash crops, story-tellin’ and women. After graduating from the University of Vermont with degrees in Psychology, English and Communications (focusing on TV & Film Production) JoDa Hodge quit his position as an angry young cameraman for WCAX-TV News and bought a mint-condition Harley from the funeral home director in Hardwick with a credit card and spare student loan (after sleeping many homeless nights on the shores of Lake Champlain, Freegan dumpster-diving area bakeries and pizza shops, heckled by the cops). JoDa then rode, solo and broke, from San Francisco to Vermont on his Hog to pen his first 373-page novel, Freedom Road, and shoot his scandalous first feature film about an all-female biker gang, The Eagles.

Now JoDa Hodge serves as CEO and Manager of Darvest Films, LLC, and feature film/TV producer, writer and director. He is also the vocal president of The Stowe Film Society ( JoDa currently sleeps under the stars in Vermont building energy-efficient and disaster-resistant Green homes, performing charity work for, volunteering for, donating locally and running with bad brothers who keep their word.

JoDa Hodge seeks a literary agent for his new heart-breaking and controversial novel, Sex and Death ( He also welcomes experienced producers and investors aboard his award-winning feature film script, Departed Harvest (, and his wild, heady and satirical script,, co-authored with JoDa’s powerful mentor, DJ Link. JoDa Hodge’s touching short film, Goodbye Brother, has been entered into the Vermont International, Sundance, Austin, Telluride, Nashville, Cleveland, St. Louis, Foyle, Ann Arbor and AFI film festivals.

R.I.P. Nathan Hodge and Larry Holden, my Boys into the Light.

Love & Knowledge, Brothers & Sisters,

JoDa Hodge

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